Episode Guide

012 - Why Pray to Saints? | The Communion of Saints Part 1

Catholics are known for having a strong devotion to the saints, but is this a good thing? In this episode of Bonus Points, we talk about why Christians should not be afraid to pray to the saints and how to grow your own devotion to the heroes who have gone before us.  This is the first episode of a series on the communion of saints!

Website: https://www.BonusPointsPodcast.com

Release Date: 3/28/22
Length: 24 minutes

Intro: Morgan R.


Christ-Centered Life, a new podcast that you should watch

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 954-962. Addresses the Communion of Saints.

011 - Who Was Saint Joseph?

Scripture doesn't tell us much about Saint Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. He's more of the "strong, silent" type. But what can we know about him? That's the question on today's episode of Bonus Points.

Website: https://www.bonuspointspodcast.com 

Release Date: 3/21/22
Length: 32 minutes

Intro: Patrick D.


Christ-Centered Life, a new podcast that you should watch

St. Joseph and His World by Mike Aquilina

Through the Heart of St. Joseph by Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB

Quaemadmodum Deus, 1870 decree by Pope Pius IX declaring St. Joseph to be the Patron of the Universal Church

Redemptoris Custos, 1989 encyclical by Pope St. John Paul II about Saint Joseph

Patris Corde, 2020 encyclical by Pope Francis about Saint Joseph

Ecclesiastical History by Eusebius. Book I, Chapter 7 deals with potential discrepancies in Jesus' genealogy. Paragraphs 5-9 treat Joseph's father specifically.

010 - Bonus: My Experience at a Silent Retreat

A Bonus Points bonus episode! Over spring break, I went on a silent retreat, and I can’t wait to tell you what it’s like.

Website: https://www.bonuspointspodcast.com 

Release Date: 3/17/22
Length: 16 minutes

Intro: Oliver B.


Christ-Centered Life, a new podcast that you should watch

Warwick House, the Opus Dei center in Pittsburgh

Opus Dei, the group that hosted this retreat

Punderson Manor, the location where I stayed

"Silence: God's Eternal Language" at Theology of Home

The Power of Silence by Robert Cardinal Sarah

009 - Anakin and Eve | Star Wars & Spirituality Part 2

This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them! Two episodes of Star Wars & Spirituality, that is. In this episode of Bonus Points, we’re finding similarities between Revenge of the Sith and Genesis 3. We’ll also see what Anakin’s fall can tell us about all sin.

Make sure you check out Christ-Centered Life, a new podcast from my good friends Mark and Kendra. 

Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyzlb1ABT-ShV0gtvazeIfg 

Website: https://www.bonuspointspodcast.com 

Release Date: 3/14/22
Length: 25 minutes

Intro: Oliver B.


Christ-Centered Life, a new podcast that you should watch

"Anakin Skywalker" from Wookieepedia.

"The Chosen One" from Wookieepedia.

Genesis 3. The Fall of Adam and Eve.

Spiritual Theology by Jordan Aumann, OP

"Family Reunion and Farewell" episode of the Secrets of Star Wars podcast

"Star Wars: Identity and Purpose" episode of the Gracious Guest podcast

"Dare We Hope That Kylo Ren Be Saved?" episode of the Gracious Guest podcast

Transcript of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

008 - Question & Astle

Today, I’m answering questions submitted by listeners. Can you smack your guardian angel? Did Jesus have any siblings? Can you smack the pope? Tune in and find out!


Release Date:  2/28/22
Length: 23 minutes

Bonus Fact: I just realized that I've had a "Ken Burns" effect on the Youtube version of the show for all eight episodes so far. Nobody has commented on it yet, but I have to imagine at least one person is wondering why the picture gradually gets smaller throughout the episode.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1215. Addresses atheism.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 2113. Addresses idolatry. 

Summa Theologiae (Prima Pars, Question 52, Article 1) by St. Thomas Aquinas. Whether angels are in a place.

Matthew 18. Jesus speaks about children and "their angels" in verse 10.

Summa Theologiae (Prima Pars, Question 51, Article 2) by St. Thomas Aquinas. Whether angels can assume bodies.

Luke 1. The Annunciation.

Code of Canon Law, canon 1404. "The First See is judged by no one."

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. A 1961 international agreement. Article 31 describes diplomatic immunity.

Criminal and Administrative Legislation of Vatican City State. Civil law that governs the sovereign state of Vatican City.

The Lateran Treaty. Agreement that governs relations between Vatican City and Italy. Article 3 gives Italian police jurisdiction over the Vatican territory of St. Peter's Square.

Code of Canon Law, canon 1370. §1 describes the delict of using force against the Roman Pontiff. 

Code of Canon Law, canon 1323. Lists the conditions that exempt a person from ecclesial penalties, including excommunication.

007 - What is Carmelite Spirituality?

The Catholic world includes an incredible diversity of approaches to the spiritual life, and every religious community has their own unique focus and personality. Today, we’re looking at one of my favorites. They’re prayer pros. They’re contenders at contemplation. They’re Carmelites.

Release Date:  2/22/22
Length: 25 minutes


1 Kings 18. Elijah challenges the priests of Ba'al at Mt. Carmel. 

The Origins of the Carmelite Order, from the British Province of Carmelites.

Carmelite Spirituality, from the British Province of Carmelites.

"The Carmelite Order" from the Catholic Encyclopedia.

Luke 1. The Annunciation.

Luke 2. The Nativity and the Finding in the Temple.

"Rite of Blessing and Enrollment with the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel" via EWTN.

Washington Province of the Order of Secular Discalced Carmelites.

The Carmel of Saint Therese of Lisieux, a Discalced Carmelite community in Loretto, PA.

006 - Let's Talk About Bruno: The Theology of Encanto

The original title of this episode was We Talk About Encanto. It was supposed to be a play on "We Don't Talk About Bruno" but it felt like a stretch. Anyway, in this episode, we talk about Encanto. (Credit for the final title of this episode - and much of its content - goes to my wife, who is much smarter than I am.)

Release Date:  2/15/22
Length: 28 minutes


1 Corinthians 12. Many gifts, one Spirit.

Angelus News review of Encanto

Jeremiah 13. Jeremiah's underwear. 

1 Kings 12. Ahijah the Shilonite tears his cloak. 

Jeremiah 20. Jeremiah's lament. 

Mark 6. The arrest of John the Baptist. 

Leviticus 16. Laws concerning the scapegoat. 

Word on Fire review of Encanto

Ephesians 5. Husbands and Wives. 

Matthew 2. The Flight to Egypt. 

Genesis 1. The Creation of Man.

Encanto Lyrics via Genius.

005 - 7 Sacraments Hidden in John's Gospel

Sometimes we become so familiar with certain Bible stories that we have no idea how much is waiting beneath the surface. Today, we’re going to find references to ALL 7 Catholic sacraments by going deeper with a few familiar passages from John’s Gospel.

Release Date:  2/7/22
Length: 32 minutes


New Testament Basics for Catholics by Dr. John Bergsma

John 1. The Prologue.

John 2. The Wedding at Cana.

John 4. Healing the Official's Son. 

John 5. Healing the Paralytic.

John 6. The Bread of Life Discourse. 

John 9. Healing the Man Born Blind. 

John 11. The Raising of Lazarus. 

John 19. The Crucifixion. 

John 20. The Resurrection.

004 - Are Jedi Monks? | Star Wars & Spirituality Part 1

What does a Jedi have in common with a monk? It's not a joke, it's the topic of today's episode! We'll also compare the Force with the Holy Spirit in this first episode in our series on Star Wars. 

Release Date:  2/2/22
Length: 21 minutes


"Jedi" from Wookieepedia

"The Force" from Wookieepedia

Transcript of Episode IV: A New Hope

"Monism" from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

"Brahman" from Encyclopedia Brittanica 

"The Knights Templar" from the Catholic Encyclopedia

Matthew 17. See especially verses 1-13, the Transfiguration.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 697. Addresses the image of a cloud for the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 4. See especially verses 4-6, where St. Paul describes being "one Spirit"

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 292. Addresses the role of each person of the Trinity in creation.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 300. Addresses God's transcendence. 

2 Peter 1. See especially verse 4, where St. Peter describes being "partakers of the divine nature"

"A Word That Every Catholic Needs to Know." A Catholic Answers article on theosis.

George Lucas interview with Charlie Rose

"The Extraordinary Final Test to Become a Shaolin Master" video from the BBC

"Family Reunion and Farewell" episode of the Secrets of Star Wars podcast

"Star Wars: Identity and Purpose" episode of the Gracious Guest podcast

"Dare We Hope That Kylo Ren Be Saved?" episode of the Gracious Guest podcast

003 - How to Start Praying

Most believers recognize that prayer is important, but few would say that they’re good at it. Today, we talk about how to form a prayer habit and take your prayer to the next level. 

Release Date:  2/1/22
Length: 25 minutes


The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

An Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales

Prayer for Beginners by Dr. Peter Kreeft

Spiritual Theology by Fr. Jordan Aumann, OP

Mark 9. See especially verses 14-29, where Jesus encounters a possessed child and speaks with his father.

How to Advance in Holiness: Lectio Divina. Article from TAN Direction.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 2623-2649 . Addresses the different forms of prayer. 

002 - The Theology of Jurassic Park

In this episode, we're looking at one of my favorite movies: Jurassic Park. This movie raises a few interesting theological questions, like whether it is morally acceptable to clone dinosaurs. We'll also talk about whether dinosaurs are kosher under the Law of Moses, and more!

Release Date: 1/24/22
Length: 28 minutes


"Reflections on Cloning," a 1997 document from the Pontifical Academy for Life

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 2491. Addresses keeping secrets, including professional secrets. 

"Pastoral Statement on Penance and Abstinence," a 1966 declaration from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Code of Canon Law, canon 1251. Addresses the current law for abstaining from meat. 

Laudato Si, Pope Francis's 2015 enclycical on care for creation. See nos. 67-68 especially.

001 - Welcome to Bonus Points!

What is this show and why should you care? Those are the questions for this first, introductory episode of Bonus Points.  

Release Date: 1/21/22
Length: 11 minutes